Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pop stars, bad movies and more!!!

The biggest new pop star in Japan isn’t even real. She’s an anime type cartoon character who appears in concert as a cutting edge 3-D hologram. Her singing is created with Yamaha’s Vocaloid voice synthesizer...just like with Britney Spears.

HEADLINE: "Justin Bieber thinks he has ADD." Boy, I didn’t realize some of the symptoms of ADD included bad singing and the ability to cause large amounts of people to hate you…

HEADLINE: "Christina Aguilera leans on Cher for advice." Unless it’s advice on plastic surgery I’m not sure I’d listen.

A guy in jail in Florida says he and the other prisoners are being tortured…by having to watching the same movie over and over. Okay, it’d only be torture if they made you watch a Will Farrell movie over and over. Oh, it was a Will Farrell movie??? Now I see his point…

1 comment:

  1. So what advice did Xlax-tina ask Cher for?.... "I kind of like this guy that used to be a chick.... You've had some experience with this kind of thing.... Well, I guess your offspring has.... Can you give me some pointers?...."
