Friday, September 24, 2010

And she's off to jail!!!

Here are my thoughts on what's shaking in the entertainment world today. Appreciate everyone checking in. Of course feel free to hit up a sponsor or two, which you'll find at the bottom and on the side.

Lindsay Lohan taken into custody earlier today after failing two drugs tests. It was expected she would be able to post bail and stay free until the actual hearing on the failures in October, but nope, she was hauled off in cuffs. Turns out some of her former co-stars actually sent a letter to the judge begging her to not send Lindsay to jail. Here's an excerpt from that letter.

Dear Judge Fox,

I am writing you in regards to Lindsay Lohan. I have had the pleasure to get to know her very well and have endured the past year with her through her highs and lows. I am desperate to get this message to you. She is working really hard to be better and has done everything possible to stay healthy and clean.

Let's look at that last part. "working really hard to be better and had done everything possible to stay healthy and clean." I guess everything possible means doing a few lines of blow.

American Idol has the perfect opportunity to make a great tv moment a blew it when they caved in to their newest diva. Turns out Jennifer Lopez's first ex-husband was going to audition for the show in LA, in front of J-Lo and even perform one of her songs. Well Lopez made it very clear to Fox she didn't want him there and Fox threatened to arrest him if he showed up, so he stayed away. Much like viewers will this season when the show starts.

Never realized Britney Spears once covered the song "I Love Rock and Roll" Well that cover was voted the worst cover song ever. Not that anyone is really surprised.

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1 comment:

  1. With as much unneeded publicity that this has gotten, I'm surprised the letter didn't begin "Dear Judge Pirro,...."
